
7 Feb

We sit on opposite ends

of the couch

and watch a screen

that gives more meaning

to our lives

than we do each other.


When You Love Someone

4 Mar

“You have to be careful when you love someone,” she said with a look of concern.

“Why?” I asked, unaffected and naive.

“Because,” she said. “You just might lose yourself.”


Tuesday Tune: Oats In The Water

4 Mar

Oats In The Water by Ben Howard.

The Sun

2 Mar

People always focused their attention on him.

Maybe it was because he was reckless and young, always making mistakes.

Whereas, she was responsible and kind and selfless.

When they were together, she felt like an afterthought.

And so she became one.

I wish I could have saved her from that feeling.

I wish I would have told her sooner, the truth:

that she has always been the sun.



2 Mar

I’ve written before about pieces.

Pieces that get lost

when you’re in love with someone, as two hearts

begin to merge together.

I’ve always mourned the loss of those pieces, those parts

of myself that I resigned to never see again.

But maybe, I don’t have to mourn them.

Sitting on the couch, I finally realize what girl friends are for.

They are for reminding us of who we are when we can no longer remember,

for remembering all of our pieces and appreciating them,

for wiping the confusion and sadness away with the two words you’ve forgotten you needed

to hear: I understand.


The Cost of Living

18 Feb

Parts become pieces, and

pieces get lost

day by day,

year after year

until, you wake up

and realize

who you were

is no longer who you are

and the pieces that once held you together

no longer fit.


The Things That Holds Us Back

18 Feb

I am every love letter you were too afraid to send.

I am every missed chance at an honest laugh.

I am the girl in the books, you never read.

I am every stolen kiss from those cycling through your bed.

I am the wind in your hair on your loneliest day.

I am those three little words that you could never say.



18 Feb

Elusive, devil



I wish we would meet again,


insomnia sleep

Tuesday Tune: Splitting Wood

13 Jan

Splitting Wood by Claire Guerreso

Tuesday Tune: Jealous

6 Dec

Jealous by Labrinth.